How can I lock a specific column in the table?

I would like to lock the part that being is mosaicked, how can I do that? Have anyone tried this before?

What do you mean with “lock”?

Always display it in the first column when scrolling right? Prevent changes made? Prevent new rows created?

In the table options, there is Freeze

If you want to protect the content of Steps, you have to make a helper column (like: Steps-source), hide it and then put a formula in Steps to show the content of Steps-source. The formula can be as simple as "=Steps-source. "


Hi Piet, I meant to prevent changes from being made and lock it, but the user should still be able to update the ‘status’ and ‘due date’

Hi Joost, could you explain a bit more? I’m on the Team package—am I able to use the Steps-source? Where can I find it? I also can’t find the Table Display. I’m new to this, so any help would be appreciated!

When you place your cursor over a table, you will see the table options. Click on the word Options and you will see all these settings.
If you share a dummy doc, I can show you how to make a column that can’t be changed.

I think what @joost_mineur is trying to tell you is:
creating a new column, which takes the values of your column “Steps” and only shows them.

This is done by a formula which will reference the column “Steps”

  1. create a new column
  2. name this column (“Steps View” for Example)
  3. right-click on the new column “Steps View” and go into edit
  4. in edit mode, you can “fill values” using “calculations & formulas
  5. in the formula editing window, you can type in the name of your column, that you want to show. In this case: “Steps”
  6. hit enter

In the end you will have two columns, showing the steps.
One which is called “Steps” → where you can edit values.
The other one which is called “Steps View” → where you cannot edit values

Now you can hide the column “Steps” to only show “Steps View” in your table.
This is done by right-clicking on your column and clicking “hide

@Konrad_Mertner @joost_mineur Thank you for your detailed explanation, i managed to do it!

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