I’m trying to create the description to a task automatically when I click a button. The problem is that I want to add a link to an object in the formula and the object gets transformed to text instead of linking to it. Any ideas how to solve for this?
Use this formula for the description: Concatenate("Task to complete ", thisRow)
The problem is that the “+” doesn’t first run the object through Coda’s text conversion rules, and thus doesn’t create the link.
If anybody is trying to get a hyperlink button to have a string such as “www . facebook . com” and has a column they want to add to the front or back of that, and for it to work as a button here’s a solution it took me ages to find. Thanks to @GJ_Roelofs above.
I have a column of Facebook usernames called ‘Usernames’ and didn’t want each row to have “www.facebook.com/” at the beginning so I have a button with a formula concatenate(“www . facebook . com/”, Usernames) and it works perfectly.