How do I switch off AI?

I simply want a switch to switch it off. That’s all.

I’m trying to set up a new table and at the moment that annoying little icon keeps getting in the way of my cursor. It’s too easy to click on it. Just a few minutes ago I gave in, clicked on it and nothing happened. Then I realised in a linked table the AI had created two columns full of twaddle. That is not intelligent, artificial or otherwise.

Please let me switch off that blighter once and for all. It is not helping, it is hindering. The demonic little Microsoft paperclip has morphed into something even more evil.

Thank you.

Hi @Shoreline_of_Infinity1 and welcome to the Coda Community!

Since you posted your post in the “Ask the community” category, the short answer here is that unfortunately it is currently not possible to deactivate the AI ​​function. Please create a new post in the Suggestion Box category to submit a feature request.

Best regards

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