AI button blocking select dropdown in cell


Really enjoying Coda AI, but the the AI button (rounded square with sparkles in top-right of cell) is blocking the cell dropdown button (down arrow in top-right of cell).

Is there a way to disable the in-cell AI button without removing Coda AI completely?

There’s an easy workaround here, which is to double-click the cell to expand the dropdown select list. But this is just a little clunky and currently confusing for my other Doc makers.


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Hey @Jon_Dallas! Not currently, but I’ve gone ahead and logged that feature request for you :grinning:

Curious to hear more about what you mean by this blocking other things, though. Can you send a screenshot of what you’re seeing?

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Hi @Jasmine_B , we’re seeing the same thing here.
When a column is designated as a select menu

  • On new rows that are empty, the AI icon blocks the dropdown icon.
    • You can either double click the ‘AI icon’, or click in the empty space once to get the select list to show.
  • On rows where the selection is already made, the AI icon does not block the dropdown.
    • Normal single click behavior is observed either on the dropdown icon, or in the empty space.
      AI Icron Blocks Dropdown Selection

Chrome version 115.0.5790.114 (Official Build) (x86_64)
Mac OS Ventura version 13.4.1

Ah, thanks. We’ve added this info to an existing bug report! I’m afraid I can’t offer a timeline as to when that might be fixed, but we’ll follow up with you once it is.

Just want to add a +1 to this. I don’t use the AI feature much / at all and I keep accidentally clicking on that little button that shows up in every cell. Very annoying to not be able to disable it.

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