Turn off AI suggestions and buttons

I don’t use AI, but now the canvas is littered with AI buttons everywhere. I accidentally clicked the button and spent all the tokens.
It would be very nice to be able to turn off the AI buttons.


+1 yes please!!!

Since there isn’t a consistently usable and available AI service, having all this AI ui everywhere really degrades the experience for the editors and doc makers that I invite into my workspace.


Yes please! The dev teams enthusiasm for AI everywhere is stuffing the Ui! I dont use and wont. Thanks


I found this suggestion when searching for how to turn AI off. It would be very distracting even if I was interested in using it.

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The AI buttons are cluttering the user interface, which is complex enough right now. A global button would help.

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Exact same thing happened to me today!

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I’m an unabashedly biased AI lover, and for many reasons. Mostly, it’s about productivity. In my companies our workers would be about 11% less productive with the AI features.

However, this is not how all teams work and AI options now exist everywhere.

Despite my bias for inspiring greater productivity using generative AI, I upvoted this suggestion. No one should be forced to navigate around a sea of features they don’t need or cannot benefit from.


For our team, there are numerous workflows that do not benefit from AI. We find ourselves having to navigate around the AI hover when entering data. Accidentally clicking it has become a small source of frustration for some of our team.

It would be great to be able to toggle the AI prompt either globally, on a table-by-table basis, or both.


I support this request 100%!

I am extremely annoyed by the way AI tools are constantly being imposed on us without being asked.
Yes, every company wants to benefit from the big AI bonanza now, which is why all platforms are jumping on the bandwagon and trying to convince us that we urgently and absolutely need AI tools!
In reality, in few cases are they necessary, useful or desirable.
It’s very annoying that Coda is no exception.

I click in a table cell and that star icon pops up and AI offers itself as if using AI was exactly what I wanted to do! No, I just wanted to enter a value in the cell - without any distraction, please!

Nothing against having AI tools in general, but they should, like all other existing functions, be listed as an item in the context menu or appear by command /.