How to create Google tasks?

Hi there,

I’m looking for a way to create Google tasks from table rows.
I currently have this To-Do list table with a “Add to Calendar” button in each row that creates a new event in Google Calendar. I’d prefer to create actual tasks instead of events, so that I can use related features such as “mark as done”, “repeat every X”, “reschedule”, etc.

I gave a look to the “quick add” action of the Google Calendar pack, and to the Zapier ‘pack’ but without luck.

Does anyone have a tip for me?

You can set up a Zap to create Google Task when Cal Event Created/Updated.


I was planning on making a pack for this.

I was granted access to the Pack Editor yesterday. I finished making a pack to manage notifications (aka reminders) for Google Calendar events that I will be publishing shortly. After that I will try to do one for Tasks?

On second, thought. It is currently impossible to specify the due time of a task (only the date can be specified) using the Google Tasks API. As such a pack that would support managing tasks would have little value for me, so I will likely not end up creating this. If Google decides to add support for setting and accessing a task due time in the future I will likely create the pack.

I also ran into the problem of no time syncing for Tasks, but I sufficed with setting the date.

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