How to handle large docs (Archive Docs)

Love the approach! I’d suggest incorporating a .RegexReplace(",","|") step when building the CSV digest column (and a corresponding reversal on the “Recover” button), otherwise any data with commas will break your schema right?


Uhhhhh heck yeah @Steve_Simon2 - Brilliant idea

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I love your solution @Scott_Collier-Weir and found the same thing @Steve_Simon2 mentioned. I made a copy of your doc and tweaked it to try it out as a list of arrays instead of a straight list. This allows for multiple values in a column too. Pros and cons to each way of doing it, but thought I’d add the slightly different take here if you’re curious.

I’ve also seen docs where people are looking to create their own version of a changelog and I adapted the array of arrays idea to it as well.


Love it @BenLee ! Thanks for sharing and iterating on my approach. I also built a live system for a client recently like this and implemented @Steve_Simon2 's approach. Worked brilliantly!


If anyone is interested - I just walked through this archive approach in a recent youtube video!

I know these techniques are more on the advanced side, but hoping to make the more advanced workflows in Coda a bit more accessible!