With the newly added feature of full page embeds, it felt right to use many services all in one place. I wonder if there is a simple (automatic) way to mirror folder structures in different services.
Use case example:
I have many Google Docs full embeds, in different page hierarchies, I also have some Coda pages with links to big files on drive. My page structure [page 1 > sub-page 1 > sub-sub-page 1] is mirrored in Google Drive [folder 1 > sub-folder 1 > sub-sub-folder 1]. A line written in sub-page 1 is a link that points to a file in sub-folder 1. My sub-sub-page 1 is a G. Doc full-embed from the URL of a G. Doc on Drive, inside sub-folder 1. So on and so forth, other services would follow a similar conclusion.
I wonder if there is a quick and easy way to do that. I think this would allow me to manage projects that spread out in different tools, with the advantage to use Coda as a single source of truth.
Would be glad to hear some thoughts.