How to number or identify rows while sorting?

Hi, is there a way to number or identify rows automatically whichever way you sort it or manual move the row?

I’m trying to find a way to the the row numbers automatically updated depending on how i sort it, whether by date or manually. I have tried rank and it doesnt work. I managedr to find the Find formula that can be used to number rows sorted by dates. But is there another way to do this? For example, if i need to move the row manually?


I dont understand whyy Rank() function would not work in your case ?
Have a look in the blog post i’ve made about mastering rank function, and you can combine it with a “GroupBy/SortBy” Column, check this out

The idea would be to have a dynamic column calculated with SwitchIf(), according to the way you wanna sort, and apply the Rank function to it !

Let me know

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