I have a form. The form contains an email field for the person submitting the form.
When the form is submitted, I’d like to send an email to the form submitter confirming receipt of their information.
I’d also like the email to contain a link to the table row - with the row activated when they click on it, so that if they can edit any of the fields if needed, without having to first see the whole table that the row is in.
If you have more advanced skills with Coda, try making one button with one formula:
[User's private Gmail account],
"Some title for your mail",
Concatenate("You can see your response in this link: "thisRow.ObjectLink(),"&view=full")
Hope that helps :)
Hey @Sebastian_Zegada - thanks for you help!
I tried the link+button version & it mostly works, except that the concatenated ‘&view=full’ isn’t part of the hyperlink in the email, so it only opens up to the table, not to the expanded row.
I’m struggling with this also. I tried to isolate the formula part, just to test this ending bit and this: Hyperlink(Concatenate(thisRow.ObjectLink(),"&view=full"))
just gives me the row ‘title’:
I tried another approach, doing the concatenation in a text field, then copying that text field into a URL field. That opens the row link the way I want it to:
But I can’t get the formula right to send an email.
I CAN send a simple email, for instance this works
[User's private Gmail account],
thisRow.[Proposer's email],
"Thanks! You've Given Us An Idea!!",
"You can edit and review your idea card here:")
But if I try to add the link, using:
Gmail::SendEmail([User's private Gmail account], thisRow.[Proposer's email], "Thanks! You've Given Us An Idea!!", "You can edit and review your idea card here: thisRow.[Row Link])
the button is greyed out.
I’ve tried quotes before and after ‘row link’, just before, just after. I’ve also tried with and without ‘this row’ thisrow.rowlink vs rowlink and without it - nothing is working.
Ok - I think I get it better now. I’ve got the basics working the way I want them. I used
Gmail::SendEmail([User's private Gmail account], thisRow.[Proposer's email], "Thanks! You've Given Us An Idea!!", Concatenate("You can revise and watch the progress of your idea ", thisRow.[Row Link], " here"))