How to sort (in the formula) when the Top 3 rows are filtered out

Based on this example, I have the following question:

It would be great if somebody could advise on how to sort (in the formula) when the Top 3 rows are filtered out

thisRow.In(thisTable.Sort(false, Effort).Slice(1, 3))

This is what I have now:

And this is what I should like to get:


Hello @Jean_Pierre_Traets!
For what I understand, the filter just checks which rows match the criteria, so for each row in the table you get a true if it matches and false if it doesn’t, then the table just shows all the rows that are true (match the criteria) and hides all the others that came out false.
That’s why you can’t sort the rows from the filter formula.

The only way to do that is using the Sort option