I built a Finance Tracker in Coda that looks like an app 👀

As someone who tried many budgeting/finance apps, I was frustrated by the limitations and premium versions. That’s why I came up with the idea of ​​creating a Notion template to manage my finances. However, it also had limitations. After a quick search, I found CODA! and it was great, despite some UX limitations and things that were a bit hard to pull off. When I started a month ago, it was a journey from tutorial to tutorial and asking questions here (thanks to everyone who helped). It is in Spanish (soon in English) but you can:

:heavy_check_mark: Put all your accounts in one place
:heavy_check_mark: Add your expenses and incomes
:heavy_check_mark: Analyze and see statistics to you know what you spend in each category
:heavy_check_mark: Add recurring movements automatically such as your salary, subscription payments, etc. and forget about adding them manually.
:heavy_check_mark: Create and reach goals
:heavy_check_mark: Get notifications to your phone

Here you can watch a quick preview.


Looks awesome! Will you be sharing it? :grin:

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He probably forgot publishing it back then…
I checked out his maker profile and found the template there but it’s sadly in spanish…

Here is the template: https://coda.io/@stevedesignerd/buddy-tracker


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