Need to change "Unsatisfactory " to if Submission Date is blank and today’s date is 30 days more than expected date and If the Submission date is more than 10 working days after the Expected date.
I have below mentioned the current formula and rules, i need it edited with the above condititon
Current formula
IF(AND(ISBLANK(thisRow.[Expected date]),ISBLANK(thisRow.[Submission Date])),“Enter Dates”,
IF(ISBLANK(thisRow.[Submission Date]),“Unsatisfactory”,
IF(thisRow.[Expected date]=thisRow.[Submission Date],“Meets Expectations”,
IF(AND(NETWORKINGDAYS(thisRow.[Expected date],thisRow.[Submission Date])>0,NETWORKINGDAYS(thisRow.[Expected date],thisRow.[Submission Date])<=10),“Below Expectations”,
IF(NETWORKINGDAYS(thisRow.[Expected date],thisRow.[Submission Date])>10,“Unsatisfactory”,
IF(NETWORKINGDAYS(thisRow.[Expected date],thisRow.[Submission Date])<=0,“Exceeds Expectations”,“”))))))
The current formula is with the below conditions:
- Unsatisfactory:
If the Submission date is more than 10 working days after the Expected date or if submission date is blank - Below Expectations:
If the submission date is between 1 to 10 days after the the Expected date. - Meets Expectations:
If the Submission date is the same as the expected date - Exceeds Expectations:
If the submission date is before the expected date