In the “column”/view sidebar, I want to quickly select multiple columns and add/remove them all from the view in one go.
I can search by name – but then I need to select or deselect them one by one. It’s extremely slow.
And there is no way to say ‘remove all columns from the view, so I can add them again one by one’.
Tools like airtable have this feature.
This would make it much easier for me to adjust tables and views, allow me to configure things, much quicker and more robustly.
It would also make it easier for me to join tables together that have the same unit of observation, and this would make it easier to enable users to edit and adjust things rather than having to go to a linked table in many steps. Atm I’m reluctant to merge such tables because it then becomes much too bulky and hard to manipulate (for views, forms, etc.)