Indentable first column

Would like to see the ability to turn the first column of a Coda table into an outline to create the kind of outliner/spreadsheet combos one can create with Omni Outliner:


Have you tried grouping?

Thank you! It’s very cool but not a true outlining feature that would allow multiple indentation levels. I guess you could do that with subgroups but that’s getting more complex than just creating outlines. Or perhaps you could create default groups via outline levels? There’s just something to the visual presentation.

Also is a good implementation of outliner text editor that coda have to absolutely watch.

The idea of having outlining features is really what I would like to see implemented inside Coda. I have been experimenting with some templates that try to mimic this functionality, but they become very complicated specially if one tries to extend some functionality. For example, I would like to have a generic column “amount” that I could use to sum amounts of children rows. This kind thing is extremely useful in hierarchical tables and used in many scenarios (like project breakdown etc) and are implemented in some other software (like smartsheet, for example), but are very cumbersome to implement (although not impossible, I know …) using current table features. So I think it would a major advance for users to have it as native feature of tables in Coda. Are there any plans for something like that? thanks.