Here’s what I’m trying to figure out a formula for:
I have a table where I track time spent on various projects for an organization (each with their own unique code/name). It has the usual columns: name/code, date, hours spent, description of service, rate… and then I have a toggle in each row of that table labeled “invoiced?”
Then, I have a separate page with my name, address, payment information, and a view of that table that is filtered for invoice toggle = off. I download a pdf of this page and send it to the org each month as an invoice! Then I toggle each line as “invoiced” and continue on my merry way!
Here’s where it gets tricky:
The org has just asked me to submit my invoices with one line per project with the total amount of uninvoiced hours spent on that project.
So instead of
12/1/23 rjc4590 $60/h 1h $60
12/15/23 rjc4590 $60/h 1h $60
12/17/23 rjc5550 $60/h 1h $60
12/20/23 rjc4590 $60/h 1h $60
They want
December 2023
rjc4590 $60/h 3h $180
rjc 5550 $60/h 1h $60
So now I think I need to create a whole separate table, referencing the original time tracking table but doing something fancy so that each line is adding up all the rows for each project name/code that have the “invoice” toggle off.
Any help in crafting that formula? Or better ideas?
Thank y’all so much!!