Hello everyone,
First of all, thank you for reading this question and spending time thinking about it.
I don’t know if what I want to do is even possible. I’ll try to summarise. I have three tables:
with a single column named Month with a row per each month:
- 2019-01-01
- 2019-02-01
- 2019-03-01
And so on…
Monthly money
This table is the invoices table with the following columns:
- Month (Lookup from Month table)
- Client
- Project
- Estimate
- Invoice
Please note: There can be multiple rows with the same “Month” and I use the Row grouping to see the total money incoming each month.
This table is a list of the costs per month but I would like to have a column with the reference of the incoming money. The columns I have are:
- Month (Lookup from Month table)
- Cost 01 name
- Cost 01 amount
- Cost 02 name
- Cost 02 amount
- Cost 03 name
- Cost 03 amount
- Total (Sum row with the sum of the previous amounts)
- Total income (Formula. See below)
Please note: This table has one row per month, that’s why I want to have a column with the total of the income.
Total income formula
As I want to display a graph with two lines, one for the costs and one for the income, I wanted to include the “total income” here.
I’ve tried the following formulas and neither of them work:
[Monthly money].Invoice.Filter([Monthly money].Month.Contains(thisRow.Month)).Sum()
The problem of this formula is that the result is the total of the whole column Invoice, so it doesn’t Filter
[Monthly money].Invoice.Filter([Monthly money].Month.Contains(Costs.Month)).Sum()
Same result as the previous formula.
[Monthly money].Invoice.Filter([Monthly money].Month=thisRow.Month)
In this case, there’s no result, only empty brackets [ ]
Any help will be extremely appreciated.
Thanks for reading.
EDIT: Solved thanks to @Daniel_Stieber formula:
[Monthly money].Filter(Month = thisRow.Month).Invoice.sum()