We take the whole list of rows the table [Expenses table] is and we ask Filter() to only keep the rows where the CurrentValue.Month is equal to the value in thisRow.Month.
Then, from the appropriate list of rows returned by Filter(), we can access the value in the field Amount for each row in the list…
And all that’s left, is to Sum() the values in the list
See the formula in the field Total in the table [Expenses per Month] in the sample below
Another possibility here would be to use a single select relation field in your table [Expenses table] and use that field to select the appropriate month from your table [Expenses per Month] .
Then, in your table [Expenses per Month] you can easily get back the rows from your table [Expenses table] through a linked relation field … And, from that field, you can easily add a related column to get the appropriate summed up amounts …