Trying to do a Budget to Actual

Hi. I am a table of expenses and a table of set Budgets. Each entry on each table includes a “BannerCode” (from a Banner Table) and a “EventName” (From a Event Table).

I took a view of my Budget table and filtered it by a specific Event I would select on the top of the page. This works great as I see the budget for that particular Event. Now I want to add a column to this view that also shows the expenses.

Here is what I have so far:

The formula for the Amount right now is =Expenses.filter(Event=SelectedEvent).Amount.Sum()

So I’m getting the total expenses (I entered 125 as a test). But what I need is to actual sum by the Banner code on the left of the table. Usually I would use a SumIf in excel but I can’t seem to get that to work.

Would something like this work -


I copied that formula to my Budget to Actual table and all the amounts turned into the word true.

Oh, it was supposed to be a Filter on the table on a formula in the column.

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