Is there an API to make coda a backend for

Hi there

Even though „playing“ (meant to be positive) with coda some time I recently lost track a bit due to other priorities.

I wonder if there is an API in the meantime so I can use Coda for stuff like:

  1. Simple CMS and push Articles (from different approval levels/members/publishers) to medium, linkedin, twitter,…

  2. Use Coda to prototype some backend functionality for a WebApp (using GraphQL or REST to CRUD a json feed of my coda backend)


Our API documentation is here

We can’t wait to see what you build with it.

Thank you.

Because I haven’t posted much here, I don’t have permission to post include more than 2 links in my response. So I replicated my response in a GitHub gist here.


[prototyping] some backend functionality for a WebApp (using GraphQL or REST to CRUD a json feed…)

JHipster [link omitted], and open-source tool for generating webapps with Java (Spring) back ends is great at this and can give you some excellent bonus features for free. Potential entry points, or things you may want to touch on along the way:

  • Their introductory video
  • Use JDL-Studio [link omitted] to map out the schema for an app.
  • Use JHipster to generate the webapp, and use the resulting README to get it started. Options include:
    • what to generate
      • just the back end (along with scripts to populate a DB, and/or even run the DB within Docker containers)
      • just a front end (outside scope of your question)
      • a set of microservices (1 or more back ends, with or without a front end, with or without an API gateway)
    • how to generate
      • answer questions on JHipster Online [link omitted] and download a .zip file of ready-out-of-the-box made application
      • answer questions via a command line tool (Scroll down to #2, 3, or 4 here) [link omitted]
    • how to design your schema
      • one entity at at time via the command line tool (scroll down to Tutorial here [link omitted])
      • using the surprisingly fun JDL-Studio [link omitted] tool or one of the more powerful IDE integrations [link omitted]
    • how to apply schema to the webapp
      • one entity at a time (see above)
      • import the JDL file created via JDL-Studio, one of the IDE integrations, or - once comfortable - free-style coding

Note: The JDL [link omitted] can even be used to assign certain entities to certain microservices when generating the whole application via command line.

Reach out if you like.

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Though, I feel I must say, lest my above message be misconstrued,, is an excellent tool for rapid development for UI and UX, which can be a valuable way to get early feedback and buy-in for a project.

Unless @F_I or others developed a tried and true API integration pattern that I haven’t heard of, which lets consume and be the front end for another service’s API, the current 5,000 row limit before extreme slow-down of performance precludes this tool for use within a product with scaling data needs.