Job Seekers Template

Howdy! Coda Users, I just wanted to ask if you have created a template for job seekers

Please also show me yours so I can review and improve mine. Thank you. Your feedback/insights are very important to me.

My objective is when they click the link, and they can check all the necessary details, such availability of open positions :slight_smile:

Hey Jerome, thanks for reaching out! Here are some cool docs you can check out from our Gallery

These are definitely not the only ones available, so check out the Gallery for more options. Hope that helps!

I currently use Coda for our job postings using this format Job Openings

I am working on moving our application to Coda also because currently we use Formsite to host this because its already set up and there are a few more customizations that it does that haven’t quite made it to Coda forms yet… (hint, hint to any Codan :wink: )

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