I find myself using the collapse content feature quite a bit, and it’s awesome. I would sure appreciate a keyboard shortcut to collapse content without having to break flow and use themouse.
Another thing that would truly be amazing is have indentation work more like workflowy, where if you outdent a parent, all the children are outdented too. Sometimes I outdent a parent and it completely breaks my mental structure (especially if some collapsibles are collapsed and others aren’t).
Coda is amazing and I’m super excited to keep using it – these two features would make it the perfect extension of my brain.
I am totally in need of a keyboard shortcut for collapsing and expanding as well! I have some VERY big tables (for Coda, at least), and it is very slow to get to the top of the page when a table is expanded because of the need to redraw the screen. If I could quickly collapse all the tables, I could navigate the page much more quickly.
this only collapses and expands all lists at the same time — does anyone know if there’s a keyboard shortcut to expand just the one toggle i’m focused on at the time?
It was Ctrl+. briefly, but that didn’t last very long. I don’t think there’s a shortcut for it at the moment.
What I’d really like is the ability, when on a foldable level, to use Alt+Shift++ and Alt+Shift+- to progressively drill into and out of the item one level of hierarchy at a time. That would be .