Launched: More international date and time options

Many of you have shared feedback on the date and time options for Coda tables and formulas, wanting more flexibility to accommodate international teams. And today, we’re excited to share three new settings, so you can choose how calendar data is best displayed for your docs.

  • Choose your order: Dates can be displayed as MM/DD or DD/MM, so you’ll never have to wonder if the project is due June 3rd, or March 6th.
  • Formalize your format: Select your favorite combination of numbers and words, and it will be the default setting for new tables and formulas. For example, if you want deadlines to be completely clear, you may choose Tues 3 June 2025 instead of 3 June.
  • It’s about time: For more precision, you can now choose between 12- or 24-hour formats, turning 3:00pm into 15:00.

These settings can be applied for your current doc, or you can navigate to the account settings to apply for all new docs you create. Either way, once you configure a setting, it will appear for all new tables and formulas moving forward, without changing your existing content. Read our help article for more details.

Many thanks again to everyone who’s shared related feedback and use cases. With these new settings, international teams can now have even more visibility into their deadlines, events, and milestones.


thanks! I would love the option for each workspace member to select their time zone and date/time preferences so that teams that span timezones and date/time notation standards can avoid misunderstandings!


Ow, thats lovely!
That is really important to have and impacts how Coda is perceived by non-english speaking users.
The same principle could be applied to numbers – for instance. There is a large amount of countries that uses dot to separate the thousands and commas to separate the decimals. One change like that would help a lot to make Coda work better to a lot of users around the globe.
I had customers complaining about the software interface being english only – that’s the kind of thing that sometimes makes the adoption of Coda on a non-english speaking country pretty hard.
So the more Coda can internationalize their software, the better for Coda and for the user community.


Great news for the dates & times format :+1:
+1 for the same thing with numbers :pray:


Amazing news!!! :raised_hands:
Yes, just missing the number now.


Thank you from down under :koala::smiling_face::kangaroo:



+1 for numbers! :heart:


Wow I’m so happy about this update, thanks a lot! Reading the help article you mentioned made me realize I can also set default Date order, Date format and Time format for all the docs I’ll create from now on, which is awesome! Maybe that could also be a feature at workspace level?

And of course +1 for numbers, hope for that crucial update is now officially revived :pray: :heart: :star_struck:

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Now it’s time to do the same with currency format !!


A simple, practical update that solves a low-hanging pain point that the community has been vocal about!
Great and I love it - let’s have more of these updates and less of the grandiose hype-chasing ones please :pray:



+1 for international standards for number formatting as well! Such a pain to always have to make extra calculated fields for showing numbers with a , seperator for decimals and . for thousand seperator.


OK I just noticed a problem with the DD/MM Date order.

I assume Coda only allows you to type a day number which is consistent with the number of days within a given month. I.e. you can type 31 when you’re refering to January but not to February. And I also assume that when you start typing, Coda assumes you’re about to type a date for the current month until you say otherwise.

That works well with the MM/DD Date order, since when you’re about to type your day number, Coda already knows which month you’re refering to (OK let’s not talk about leap years :rofl:). But that’s problematic with the DD/MM Date order!

For instance, we’re currently in November, which has 30 days. I just tried typing in Oct 31 in a cell with DD/MM Date order and ended up with Oct 1st instead! I guess it’s because when I tried to type 31, Coda thought “naah, we’re in November which has 30 days so I’ll only keep the last digit you typed” - which is 1. When I proceed to type “/10”, I can then go back and replace 1 with 31… but if I don’t pay attention, it’s too late! And I don’t even have a way to know Coda “corrected” what I was typing. → I’d prefer Coda waited until I’ve typed both the day and the month to check whether there’s a consistency issue.

If it’s too complicated with words only I can try and make a .gif - just let me know!


:wave:t5: @Bertrand_Bouteiller—many thanks for the feedback and would love a gif, video etc, along with the doc you’re seeing the issue in!

Please feel free to send at, thank you!

I know about 30 people who had to add additional keyboard for language they don’t use only to be able to add numbers in Coda.

So, one more +1 for number localization


OK here’s a gif of what I meant. Don’t mind my mouse cursor, I only used my keyboard while recording the gif, and tried to explained what I did + what I think happens. Hope that helps!

Coda pb with DDMM Order


Very helpful—thank you and stay tuned!

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just a nit-pick: this isn’t for international teams. It’s for teams in countries other than the united states. International team—where members are in different countries that use distinct formats for dates and numbers, and where members are in different time zones—are still going to run into issues with this.


@Bertrand_Bouteiller—thanks again for sharing this example!

As an update, I was able to reproduce this internally and will note that it isn’t tied to this update.

It’s an existing issue we’ve had and I’ve filed an item to track on our end.


Thanks Ayuba. It makes sense, but to be honest before that update I had never even bothered trying to type a date with the keyboard: I just used the date picker, but that has changed now!


Hi, thanks a lot for the update. I’m sure it will be useful for many people. But what most of us are really desperate for (for years) is to be able to change the number format and be able to use the comma instead of the period. It is absolutely necessary. It is so important that, for our company, even though we want to use Coda, we have to use Notion/Excel exclusively for this reason.