Launched: New comment features make collaborating in your team hub smooth and seamless

We know great teamwork often relies on—and inspires—active conversation. With the launch of new comment features, we’re empowering your whole team to contribute, question, and make decisions intuitively. Take a peek at what’s new:

Look over here.
When text in a canvas or canvas column has sparked comments, it will appear with a yellow highlight. That way, you can track important notes and conversation topics clearly.


On the right side of your page, you’ll see both the number of comments in a thread and recent thread participants. This includes up to three profile images of the most recent commenters, so you know who’s involved in each conversation at a glance. In the interest of letting you focus on the most important info, comments on wide, data-packed tables will only show the comment count.


Focus on what matters.
We’ve added a button to the upper-right corner of each comment preview that opens the full thread. You can move quickly and easily through full conversations, reference other comment threads, and shift back to your data depending on your needs.


Got it! Love it! Amazing!
Sometimes a conversation is worth 1,000 words—other times, a reaction says it best. You can react to comments with a thumbs up, heart, or any of your favorite emojis.


As a reminder, you can also customize your notifications or reference a teammate.

Want to see these features in action? We’ve created a team hub quick start doc to help your team organize their work and collaborate in a single space. All you need to do is copy to get started.


Thank you! Have wanted these features for years, it’s awesome to finally see them come to life.