Using those newly designed buttons (which I personally enjoy ), I just would like to add my tiny voice to those who would like to have choices about the the actual form of the buttons .
In some cases, the rounded button is wonderful (specifically on the canvas) but in others, a less rounded form could be more appropriated (Tables are essentially rectangles and sharp angles, so something less rounded could be better, depending on the purpose of the buttons, if it needs to be visible or not).
But again that’s just a thought !
And I want to thank you again for this visual update of the buttons !
Great, but there is a big problem, can’t see icons on mobile, and can’t make a button to just show in mobile instead of having to slide, also less important the form rounded or not should be customizable
Absolutely agree with @Paul_Danyliuk: buttons should be clickables not label-likes!
Indistinguishable from labels now, this makes workplaces harder to navigate and it becomes unclear where one can click, and where’s just a label. Any chances of getting protruded look of buttons back again, at least as an option?
This right here is why I will never use Coda for serious work, and most particularly for anything client facing. To have changes like this that have significant affect on what you’re providing to a client, with no option to revert, and worse, with no forewarning, is very poor. And it’s not like this is the first time Coda has done this and had similar feedback. Sheesh. In my case I’m not overly affected because my doc is just something for a game with friends … but it sure does look worse, and is less clear.
I am with you! I have made formula formatted buttons that changed text upon a formula result, also using adding some space to different rows of buttons to keep a more professional look especially when you use the badge counter on smal buttons for more than 2 digits numbers, they tend to shrink too much: @maria could you pass this to the team?
Before if you add in the Button Label some additonal spaces it worked well, now it looks like all get automatically shrink-fitted.
I just wanted to second all those who want the option of the old buttons in tables. I just revisited some old projects that had been humming along quite nicely, but whose formatting has been ruined by the new buttons. And while the new buttons look nice outside of tables, they look bad, take up too much space, and no longer have obvious functionality when you have a column of them. Surely not to much to ask to have, among the button options, “classic button”?
Any clue on why the white background button I put on the left side of detailed view suddenly turned to black in the last days? Are you updating the buttons aspect @maria ?
Hi @GiacomoPasini ! My guess would be that since you are using the QuickStyle with the black that there is some color correction going on here, but I’m not sure. I recommend submitting this question to our Customer Champion team at They’ll be better equipped to help.