Launched: RSS Feeds 📰

I’ve just released a small Pack to be able to have RSS feeds as Coda tables :raised_hands:

You can learn more here → Coda | RSS


this is a great pack

extremely versatile indeed

being able to represent rss feed details as a table in a coda doc opens up so MANY new uses

very grateful to @Leandro_Zubrezki for this

well done



Thanks Max!

That’s exactly what I thought, you can add multiple feeds in the same table and add additional columns to take notes which makes it great. KEEP UN-SYNCED ROWS? is super important in this case if you want to keep records that no longer match the feed!


This is very cool. I am getting this error for my feed however:

500 - Failed to fetch from

Can you give me any guidelines as to whether there are specific RSS formats or standards I’m missing?

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Hi @Jarred_Cinman!

Yes RSS is a specific format, I checked your url and it is not in the correct format. Take a look at how to generate RSS, there are sites that automatically can generate a feed or you can do it programmatically if the site is yours.

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Thanks for this great pack!

I have enabled KEEP UNSYNCED ROWS because I would like to keep rows that I have made notes on, but I cannot toggle the checkbox in order to ‘UNSYNC’. Is there something I am missing about how this works?

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Can you share a screenshot of your config? Keep unsynced rows enabled is enough, the delete unsynced rows is for when you want to remove old rows that are no longer returned from the RSS feed.

If you have a column with notes then don’t click that button :sweat_smile:

Thanks for the quick reply @Leandro_Zubrezki!

I believe you are saying that when KEEP UNSYNCED ROWS is enabled and when a row/rss item no longer shows in the feeds xml, the synced box will become unchecked but the row/rss item will still show in your feed in Coda. And you can only delete all UNSYNCED ROWS, and not keep individual rows that are no longer needed.

In order to keep the wanted row/rss item and delete the unwanted UNSYNCED ROWS, I would need to copy and paste the wanted UNSYNCED ROWS to a new table.

Is this correct?

You can use a button with the DeleteRows action configured as a formula to delete the unsynced rows :wink:

Thanks for the heads up @Leandro_Zubrezki! It is greatly appreciated! I do have some other questions if you don’t mind…

I wanted the Delete Rows button to only delete selected rows but I could not find a formula function to do so. Is there a function that effects only selected rows?

I did figure out how to set up a button based on a new column I created with a check box. If the box is unchecked the button will delete those rows.

The problem is when I go to set up the button for the RSS feed table I am unable to select it as a target in the Action > Table section of the button settings.

Currently all feeds are synced. When there are unsynced rows will I then be able to select this table as a target to delete rows?

Or is there a more simple way that I am unaware of?

Your approach with the checkbox property is perfect.

In order to be able to select the Feed table you will need to display the action of the button as a formula, from there you will be able to select the Feed table and then you need to apply a filter against the checkbox.