Linking to Omnifocus projects in Coda

I have a Projects table in Coda that lists the projects that I have stored in Omnifocus (Mac version). Omnifocus allows users to grab URLs for specific projects such as omnifocus:///task/knY8vmufgd5.

If I enter the URL directly into Chrome, Chrome will ask me if I want it to open Omnifocus and then it will go directly to the project in Omnifocus.

In my Project table in Coda, I have a text column called “URL”, and in it I have pasted the URL of each project. Alas, Coda doesn’t seem to recognize it as a URL that it should pass along to the browser. It doesn’t become “clickable”. I’ve tried opening up the field and using the “link” tool, but that doesn’t work either.

Is what I am trying to do possible?

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I’m curious about this too. I encountered an issue that I think is related…

I have a doc that uses SVG code to generate an image. I can copy and paste the SVG code into my web browser and I can see the image no problem. (The code starts out like this: data:image/svg+xml,<svg%20width%3D%2...) But when I try to include that same SVG code in a hyperlink or in an Open Hyperlink button, it fails. I’ve noticed that if I plug the SVG code into a hyperlink in Coda, right click on it and choose “Copy URL,” and then paste that into the web browser, suddenly there’s http:// at the front of my code, so it doesn’t work. The same thing happens when I plug in file paths from my desktop into Coda. Is it not possible to link to URLs that do not have an http:// or https:// prefix?

It’s general best practice to only support known protocol identifiers. These can likely be added and we might do this on a case by case basis.

I’ll add a request for each of these for now and we’ll see if it’s a possibility.


It is 2023. I am facing this issue today for the first time.

Realised there are couple other threads with many people supporting. Sad to see it has not been implemented yet.

These types of links are to files that exist on your actual computer which means there are security concerns with allowing them to take actions. Because of that, we haven’t picked this up as a project. We do get requests, but it’s only been a handful of them over the years.

@BenLee You mentioned (maybe in a different thread) that you actually do whitelist URI scheme on a case by case basis. How do I go about this? Just request it here? Open a support ticket?

The URI scheme in question is sip:

I need it to send color palettes stored in a Coda table to SIP – a color picker app.

We haven’t added this functionality due to what’s mentioned in the post above. We can definitely see the use-cases where it would help, but it would require a bit of work and it’s not in high demand. I think you’re looking at all the requests for this over the last 3 years in this thread.

I have been searching for YEARS for a solution to opening local URIs on my mac from links in programs like Coda that don’t support them. All this time, the solution was right under my nose! I figured out a workaround andn now I’m sharing it.

Take the URI (e.g., something like omnifocus:///task/knY8vmufgd5) and run it through this link shortener: The short link can be used anywhere in Coda and it will open the URI.

URL Shortener, Branded Short Links & Analytics | TinyURL is a better choice than that I suggested in my previous post.