I have a question that I need help with: I want a button to be inactive or change its label if it has been pressed within the last 3 days. The use-case is that I want to notify users to remember to fill inn some fields. Therefore I manually, or if possible automatically, push out a notification if they have not been notified yet. Alternatively the notification could be sent out every e.g. Tuesday & Friday
- Store the time when the button was last pressed, e.g. by pairing up the original action with
thisRow.ModifyRows([Button clicked at], Now())
- Make the button invalid if
Now() - [Button clicked at] < Days(3)
- Optionally, do the same for the label: set a formula that displays one value when it’s been < 3 days, and another value afterwards, using
To avoid recalculation every second, if you don’t need the specifics — use Today()
instead of Now()
You can set up the automation to fire every day and just press all the buttons — it shall skip the buttons that are inactive.