To calculate which day is in two weeks, you can do this: Date(year(today()+14),month(today()+14),day(today()+14))
Now you can compare, if the IEP date is in two weeks and you can disable the “Email Feedback”-Button, if it is not:
Now set up an automation that pushes the Email Feedback Button daily. It should only push the active buttons.
Thank you for the help and for the idea! For some reason it is not working though. . . It is disabling all my buttons, even if I manually set the “IEP date” column to be exactly 14 days from now, that button is still disabled.
Thanks again for the help. It actually is working better now, but there is a bug with the time that is included in my “IEP date” column. If the time is set to anything other than 12:00am, it disables it even if the date is 14 days away as was specified in the “disable if” formula. Screen shot attached.
I have another question in a new thread I just started @Daniel_Stieber if you can be of any help in that one as well. Also has to do with disabling a button.