In the table below, how can the five rows with the most values be separated in another table?
put a filter in your table:
Thank you for your good Formula, But my problem is something else. I want to be able to see the 5 lines that have the most value on that date based on the date in another table. I also want to use the time range feature of Coda
Can the ‘another table’ be a view of the original table, or do you want to have a new table where you add these rows?
Can you show in your sample doc what this table with the date (“on that date based on the date in another table”) would look like.
What is the time range feature you want to use?
i want to create new table and when i filtered the date range, this table shows the top five value from source table, i changed my sample doc too. I put Time Range at the beginning of my sample dock. I mean if i change the time range date, and if that date was in the Max Value table, put the five rows that have the most value in that Value column in the Top Five Row table.:
That is really not that complicated - please share your doc with me ( and I will show it in your doc, that’s easier than explaining it here in the community.
And the solution is to work with a view of your table, not a new table. When you see it working you’ll understand.
You have access now
OK - done. I hope this is what you were looking for.
Thank You @joost_mineur
My problem solved
I added a new column to my sample doc that name is ‘range’. if i want to get max of column value when range column is over 1000, what should i do??
Hello @amin_jebeli ,
I adjusted the doc to account for the extra filter - if you are asking for more values (say 5) and only 4 qualify, only 4 are shown.
The formulas get confusing in a hurry…
Thank You again @joost_mineur
If I want to get 5 lines with the least value, what formula should I write?
Hello @amin_jebeli ,
In this community we try to help people when they get stuck. Sometimes we do that by explaining how something works, sometimes we tell about our experiences with Coda (or other software) and occasionally we show you in a doc how to do this. All these things are meant to get you going. If you look at the solution for your first question(s), you should have the tools to tinker with the software and build your own variations.
Copy your own doc so you have a backup if things go wrong and start playing around. In your case you can probably reverse the sort order, although you might have to rethink what you want with the 2nd condition (range) before you start.
If you find that you get stuck on the workings of a function, you can ask for help in the community. If you need someone to develop a doc for you, you can ask for some professional consultancy/help.
Keep on trying,
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