Mermaid Pack - Sequence Diagram Grouping not Working

Hi - per the Mermaid documentation, boxes in sequence diagrams can be created like this:

    box Purple Alice & John
    participant A
    participant J

However, when I try to render this in CODA, it does not error but renders a blank image. I have tried removing both color and title, with no luck. When I remove the box/end, it renders successfully. Is this feature not supported?

This sounds like this issue may be related to this specific Pack. Therefore, the pack maker is going to be the best source of support with this issue, as we cannot make changes to a third-party pack directly. You can do this by reaching out to them at their support contact listed in the About tab for this Pack.

If it is a bug, we recommend sharing what browser you are using, screenshots, or a screen capture of the undesired behavior, and sharing the steps taken that present the issue.

Please keep in mind that Pack makers are not required to implement any feature requests.

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