Multiple choice matrix to create a list in another table


I would appreciate your helping hand :handshake: for a use case that can be used in many applications.

Q-1: - Formula syntax:
I am looking to create from a multiple choice matrix (Table 4) :white_check_mark: a table that creates a column listing the checked columns of Table 4, like in Table 5 ( in this sample I manually entered the data)


Q-2: - Formula syntax:
The next step is to easy identify missing details in Table 5.
When Detail (x) is true AND Create (x) ( x from Detail should be the same as from Create) meaning that there are no missing details.

In the sample above (manually added) you can see that for Detail2 should be available, but Created2 is false and therefore identified as missing detail.

It was a rather big challenge to express my question, please feel free if something is unclear or you know a post where I can find a solution.

Thanks in advance for your time.

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Interested to see how others tackle this one.

I played with this for a while, and found no good way to do it. The solutions I came up with were major workarounds, to the point that it wouldn’t be worth the workaround.

Here’s an alternate approach. Maybe you can fiddle with this to get your desired result.

Column “contains” is a multi-select lookup column to Table 13.

Dear @Ander,

Thanks for your input.

I feel the need to give some additional clarifications on what I want to achieve:

In Table 4
We have articles, called “Syle”, that need to be produced
On the headers is given the “Details” it should contain (when checked)
Next to each Detail is a checkbox that should be checked in case the detail is produced. In this example I numbered them behind the name. Meaning that Detail1 is connected to Create1 and Detail2 to Create2

IMPORTANT: Only when detail is true Create of the same number should be able to become true.
In the final version I think to use the buttons to enforce this condition, the button will just not be active if the above is not applicable.

If somebody has suggestions where to learn more in dept designing table structures, I will be glad if it will be shared in the community.

Looking forward to see the direction of this post. :eyes:

Kind regards,

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I require similar functionality in my project, but I have 200+ column pairs. I think this version follows your logic, but it would quickly become cumbersome with very many column pairs (which is why I haven’t used this as my project’s solution).

There might be a way to loop through columns, but I don’t know how to do that. Maybe @mallika can speak to that?

Image 1 = [contains] column
Image 2 = [missing details] column
Image 3 = result
*Collapsed into one table for convenience. Separate as you like.

Dear @Ander,

Thanks a lot for your input, you opened the door to what I was looking for :trophy:

Some useful tips to create the clean bullet list view :bulb:

With .Filter(CurrentValue.IsNotBlank()).BulletedList() at the end of the formula you will get this beautiful result.
Thanks to @Daniel_Stieber learning me this “trick” :pray:

Hopeful many other users will benefit from these latest developments :bangbang:
