Multiple If statements?

Can someone tell me if it’s possible to combine If statements into one statement?
The two If statements below each work alone, but I cannot figure out how to combine them.
If( [Table 1].[Field 1]=[Table 1].[Field 1], “SPLIT VIEW”)
If( [Table 2].[Field 2]=[Table 2].[Field 2], “PRICE VIEW”)
I also experimented with Switch and SwitchIf, but I’ve had no luck.
Any thoughts or advice?
Many thanks, Gregg

Hi Gregg,

How would you like to combine them?

You could go
If Field1 = Field1 AND Field 2 = Field 2,
Then ???

If Field1 = Field 1,
Then If field2 = field2,
Then ???

There are many, many ways in which you could combine them.

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I didn’t realize there are so many options, thank you for explaining!
After looking at your examples, I realize I need to go back and re-think my logic…
Thank you again!

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