My pages are only showing half of the screen?

For this whole week I’ve only been able to see half of the screen on my pages. Please see reference video link here and let me know if you’re having the same issue.

You can see in the video when I scroll, I can only see coda content on half of the computer screen.


Hi @anon11587375 and welcome to the Coda community!

I have neither experienced this error myself nor seen it anywhere else.
I believe you have already restarted your browser/computer!? Additionally, you can delete all cookies and website data. This solved my problem once on another website.

If it doesn’t help, I recommend you contact the Coda support team.


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Im having the same issue in Google Chrome. However the issue is not happening in Edge browser.

same here, cutting off half the screen

Helped one of my clients the other day with this!

Turns out it was a coupon chrome extension he had. Try disabling your chrome extensions one by one to find the culprit.


Resolved on it’s own, thanks for the replies!

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