Pasting mulitple google drive links?

When I paste a single Google Drive link into a Coda Doc, it nicely shows the link… and if I hover over it, it shows a preview of the file.

I’m wondering if…

When I select multiple files in google drive and then right-click I can select share->Copy Links

But when I then paste this into a Coda Doc, Coda doesn’t interpret it as list of links and just pastes the comma-delimited urls…

Is there a way to paste multiple file links at once???

Much appreciate any ideas!


FYI - I’ve tried actually storing files in Coda, but I have two issues with that…

  1. Coda’s file previews are very limited when it comes to what file types it supports.
  2. When storing a lot of files into a Coda table (500+), I get issues with doc size and speed, especially in the mobile app…

Hey @Jan_Bouten! Thanks for reaching out. While this is not possible at this time, this sounds like a feature request the Coda team has been tracking to be able to paste multiple URL/links at once. That said, we have moved this post into the Suggestion Box for other members of the Community to chime in on this. We’ve gone ahead and tracked your vote for this feature formally.

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