Possibility of choosing different languages

I think Coda is a great application, but it lacks the option to have more languages, such as Spanish or French.


Dear @anon23395886,

Welcome in this great community :paw_prints:

Out of the box Coda is in English but with some creative approach you will be able to develop a tool to overcome your language challenges.

I recommend to check out the below post;

How to have the months in a language other than English?

Any news about this topic? It’s not a big deal to adapt your doc to different languages, but the alerts and warnings are always in english and it is very confusing for users that don’t speak english.


A software developer can use money from the users of their services to pay for services that bring the benefits desired by these users.

A very simple workaround for the moment, in Chrome, would be to right-click on the page, and translate to the language of your choice.

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