Possible to filter data from filtered data in another view?

I have a dataset of 350 items that I review multiple times a day based on pages filtered on different criteria, X, Y, Z.

There’s a workflow to this, so that I first review the data that meets criteria X, then review the data that meets criteria Y, and then review the data that meets criteria Z.

But if the same data meets multiple criteria, I end up reviewing it multiple times, and that’s time consuming.

Is there a way I can filter out the data on the page filtered for X, when I go to review data on the page filtering for Y…so that I review each item only once no matter how many X and Y and Z criteria it meets?

Thanks for any help!



I use variables that exist outside the table’s filter formula, either in a canvas formula or in a row in a table used to hold variables.

variable_X = table.filter(condition-for-X)

Then in the filter formula of the workflow view for X, just do something like thisTable.Contains(variable_X).

variable_XandY = variable_X.filter(condition-for-Y)
Filter formula of the workflow view for X: thisTable.Contains(variable_XandY)

Repeat for Z.

This is now a common design pattern in my docs.

Of course, the better way to handle this would be for the UI to allow the user to save different table/view configurations in a dropdown list. Those configurations would allow for different permutations of filtering, visible columns, sorting, grouping, etc.

I actually need this really badly and very much wish that they would build it.:sweat_smile:

@Ander Thank you!
I agree that sounds like a very powerful feature.
By chance do you have a sample of what you describe above that you can share?

Here’s the general pattern. Look at the filter formula on each view to see what’s going on.

@Ander Thank you so much!

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