I am interested to implement the Coda API, however, I am unsure which API tool is best to use. I have also heard about other tools from a variety of sources, such as Bruno, Apidog, Hoppscotch, and Swagger.
Does anyone have any personal experience with any of the mentioned API tools, or perhaps a choice if I should pick Postman or Insomnia?
Hi @stacs - Welcome to the Coda community! Glad to hear you are interested in using the API. As for API tools, I’m not terribly familiar with the first batch you mentioned, except Swagger (now known as OpenAPI). That said, I imagine the decision will be heavily influenced by what you are trying to accomplish. What goals do you have in mind?
As for testing an API and experimenting with it, I prefer Insomnia but Postman is also a long-time playing in that space. If you are new to APIs, or just the Coda API, using one of those two tools is a good way to experiment with it.