Preview video in table

Has anyone found a work-around/solution to preview videos uploaded into a Coda table? Either a) in the table or b) when clicking on the file in the table?

I’m using Coda for daily tracking of quality assurance on building projects. The builders upload pictures and a video.

a) Preview video in table (the pictures gets shown, but the video only gets shown as the link):
Skærmbillede 2023-12-13 kl. 16.56.43

b) Preview video when clicking on the file from the table (no preview is available and you need to download the file):

hi @Maja_Overgard ,

good to see you back.

little I know about video, but is it an option to upload them to a private youtube channel and to use the youtube pack to see them properly?

Cheers, Christiaan

Thanks for the input @Christiaan_Huizer

However, Youtube is not an option (don’t want to share the data in the video with Youtube…). So need another solution with a better data-protection in mind.

ahah, maybe you need a pack for this, there is no native support for other formats as far as I know.
@Xyzor_Max knows all about video.
good luck!

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If it’s a .mp4 instead of .mov you can use this formula :slight_smile:

Embed(thisRow.Video._Merge().ToText().ParseJSON("publicUrl") + "?codaUse=preview")

Thanks! However, it is a .mov file (uploaded directly from iPhone/Android).

Hmm… I’ll think of some workarounds. Thanks for the input!

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I’m thinking you could use your own webhost & domain to upload your videos??

This way you have full control over your site contents and access - I’m currently use MochaHost here in the US.

I also like having the unlimited email accounts etc.

Good luck - I work A LOT with video and images, so I can appreciate your needs! :+1:

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