QuickBooks Pack Report Unrealised Exchange Gain/Loss

Hi @Leandro_Zubrezki,

Me again with odd QuickBooks questions.

The P&L report included appears not to include Unrealised Exchange Gain/Loss self generated entries which come with:

  • boolean option when running it as a P&L report from the web GUI Show unrealised gain or loss
  • a true/false value for parameter adjusted_gain_loss in the P&L report api

Optionally the accounting_method parameter (Cash/Accrual) would also come in handy

Would be amazing if you were able to include this in the pack!

Many thanks as always!

Hi Laurent,

It was a simple request so I have just released a new version with both parameters included.

Give it a try and let me know if it looks correct.


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Thanks Leandro.

The Accounting Method parameter is working great - Thanks.

However, for the Unrealised Exchange Gain/Loss, the Parameter does appear in the pack interface now but the returned data does not reflect this - Looks like the API is not picking it upā€¦
From my experience with QBO API, have you passed the true/false value as boolean or as string ?

What data can I share to help you troubleshoot ?


Is your QBO account Canadian based?

No it is not - and I see where this is going - the ā€˜adjusted_gain_lossā€™ is flagged for canadian accounts in the API documentation.
However when querying the GUI report, the option to activate or de-activate Unrealised Exchange Gain/Loss is indeed avaialble an effectiveā€¦ So the GUI and the API are inconsistentā€¦

i guess I need to take this directly with QBO developper supportā€¦ ?

Yes I recommend you reach out to them and maybe they can enable it for your account in the API.