Re-Released: Convert Table to CSV or JSON (wither filters!)

Hey friends!

After a few bug fixes, I just re-released a pack that converts any table to JSON or CSV. It supports filtering, arrays, and blank cells.

Here’s a test doc showing off its formulas and capabilities.


  • Because Coda does not allow full table retrieval through packs, each column must be added separately.
  • Because Coda does not allow retrieval of column names through packs, you must add a name for each column as a separate parameter.
  • For now, JSON responds with an array of flat objects (i.e. no nesting), each row represented by a single object. I’ll try to include nesting in future updates, but this is tricky.

Hope you find this useful!

(and if you know of a clever way to retrieve columnNames via Packs, please share!)


@Piet_Strydom @jannis - here ya go!


Super exciting! Can’t wait to take this for a spin.

Hi! Great pack, thank you! One question: for the “to JSON” is there a way to cast columns as int instead of strings? All of the fields in the JSON results are strings.


Hey Jules, great recc! There’s no way at the moment, but I’ll add this to the updates list. Thanks!

The Export Tables pack brings in the column names as a header row when exporting to CSV or XLS: