Released: PDF Pack

The following could be useful for some people too: SPECIMEN

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Thanks for the suggestions!
What colors do you have in mind for CONFIDENTIAL and SPECIMEN?

I think EXAMPLE would be nicest with same gray as DRAFT, which means this formula might be sufficient:

DraftPDFs(Files, text: "EXAMPLE")
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Why don’t you generalize it to WatermarkPDFs() with the color as a parameter? The colors could be presets or just allow hex values.


Because that’d require a lot of manual parameter input to achieve one of the common use-cases, I want it to be as simple as possible for the users

Color is already a parameter though, the default value changes based on the formula


Ah, it’s already fully customisable, that’s great!

Then all these other formulas don’t add anything else rather than changing the default values, right?

In my opinion having so many formulas doing basically the same is more confusing than having a generic one. You could demonstrate the use of the formula in the showcase doc. But that’s just me!


Yep that’s correct!

I thought a lot about the different solutions, neither of which seem ideal

I almost went for a general formula like you said, but with an additional preset parameter which would affect the rest of the parameters, but that just seemed too messy :thinking:

The biggest hurdle for the solution I chose was maintainability, which I solved with some nice high level functions in the pack code

textoverlay("Void", "red", 220, 0, 0);
textoverlay("Paid", "green", 0, 220, 0);
textoverlay("Draft", "gray", 100, 100, 100);

Hey @Rickard_Abraham ,
For SPECIMEN I think orange would do nicely (but I don’t have very strong feelings about it, so anything else would work too).
Greetings, Joost


Added more text overlay presets!
Thanks @Christiaan_Huizer and @joost_mineur :pray:

  • ExamplePDFs()
  • ConfidentialPDFs()
  • SpecimenPDFs()