Collapsible tables combined with the below use of Format()
just streamlined some beastly workflows!
Refinement ideas welcome. @Johg_Ananda @Federico_Stefanato
Collapsible tables combined with the below use of Format()
just streamlined some beastly workflows!
Refinement ideas welcome. @Johg_Ananda @Federico_Stefanato
@Ander very nice!! creative approach; like the formulamap()
implementation. How are you usign this? Do you need to dynamically change your data presentation a lot?
Not a lot, but it does evolve over time. In a large project it’s impossible to manually maintain that evolution in the summaries per row. I needed to automate that, which was the impetus for using Format()
in this way.
Since I was going to the trouble to build this, I figured I may as well make it selectable and dynamic, so those parts are icing.
Great job, @Ander!
Extremely useful for ever-changing last minute reports (when PDF export will become a serious feature, hopefully).
I’ll take some time to dig a bit more into it.
Let me know if you identified some more features.
Waiting with bated breath for the PDF export functionality