Send Email Automatically When Formula Changes Row

Hello all! I’ve been working on this for a couple days now and I can’t seem to figure out a way to make this happen.

In the screenshot above, Start Date is a manual input, Probationary End Period is a formula, and “alert” is a formula. When the date in Probationary End Period reaches 14 days in advance of today’s date, it will change the alert column to “true”. When the alert changes to “true” I need it to automatically send an email to someone on our team notifying them that the period is almost over.

I’ve tried using an automation but it won’t recognize the alert column as an editable column since it contains a formula. I’ve tried playing around with buttons. I’m officially stuck.

What else can I do to automate this? I’m trying to avoid having to go in here manually to send the email.

Here’s the page in my play doc if that’s helpful:


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Hi! Please check the solution in your doc. Currently, it is set up to send a standard notification, but you can replace this mechanic with email sending.

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Thank you so much, this is perfect! I didn’t consider using a disabled button but that’s exactly what I needed.

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