Setting start Month in for Calendar View

I’d like to be able to display multiple months in a calendar view side by side. Ex: So current month and next month so it looks like:

On refresh the view will start with the “Default view date” setting and the only options are:

The only hacks I can think of result in events that span multi-months to not be displayed in the next month calendar. Any hacks anyone knows of?

Hey @Ryan_Hubbard1 ! Thanks for reaching out. While this is not possible at this time, this sounds like a feature request the Coda team has been tracking for the ability to display multiple months in calendar view. I’ve moved this post into the Suggestion Box for other members of the Community to chime in on this. In the meantime, we recommend adding 2 columns to the canvas and in each column show a calendar view as a workaround.

Thanks @Shaina_Torgerson. Just wanted to note for clarity that adding 2 calendars in a column view isn’t a great workaround since you can’t set the starting date or month of the calendar. So both calendars will show the same month and you have to manually adjust it to the month you’d like every time since you refresh or close/open the doc the view resets.

I think the real feature request is not to add multi-months to the calendar view but to add additional options to the “Default view date” calendar option. For example being able to set it the default view date via a formula.


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