Some features that would be great for Coda!

Here’s a list of things I would like to have in Coda in order to save some time while working!

Set a default value for button alerts

Set a default value for button size

Duplicate columns please
duplicate column

A page index would be very helpful

Leave your suggestions on the comments!


duplicate column would be my biggest time saver


@SureKT thoughtful list - How is the page index different from the nav bar?

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I feel Page Index as you presented it already exist, as @Johg_Ananda mentioned, its Nav Bar.

I agree with duplicate column, that would be nice :slight_smile:

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I have 87 pages in my doc, which makes it very unefficient to have them all visible at all times

I’d like to have an index so I can see an overall view of my doc without having to open every single subpage on the nav bar menu, but I agree that It’s a very specific, and not something as essentialy needed as duplicating columns or default options :slight_smile: