Sort Table Rows Alphabetically based on the values of One Column

I have a table called Auto-Codebook. It has many columns I want to sort its rows alphabetically based on the value of the Jurisdiction column.

How will I do it using a formula?

Hi @Alyssa_Gono :blush: !

If you just need to sort your table, there’s no need for a formula :blush: .

You can just add a Sort to the table by clicking on Sort, next to Filter at the top of your table which will take you to the Sort menu where you would just need to click on + Add sort and then select the field you want your table sorted by in the dropdown menu …

I hope this helps :innocent:

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Thank you so much @Pch

My pleasure @Alyssa_Gono :grin: !

Glad to know this helped :raised_hands: !

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