I’m sure there is a way to do this but I have been searching and pulling my hair out over this.
I have a selection dropdown with values, say “A,B,C”
How do I sort my filtered table by different columns depending on the selection.
For example if “A” is selected I would like to sort my table by the “Time” column in descending order, and if “B” is selected I would like to sort my table by “Output” column in ascending order.
Theres some great resources out in the community about this topic. Here’s one of them I posted a while back! Feel free to reach back out with any questions:
Thank you for this. Got it working using the information in that post.
For anyone coming across this post below are the steps:
Because I needed the sort order to be acsending (time) for one value and descending for the other (Ouput) I needed to invert one value. I did this by creating a new column equal to my time column but made the format “Number” not time and called it “Time Inverted”
I then multiplied the new time number by -1 to invert the values.
Made another new column with he formula If([Selection Choice] = “A”, [Time Inverted], [Output]. This formula would populate the entire column with either the time or the output depending on which Choice was selected. I called this column Time/Output
Then simply added a sort to my table based on the Time/Ouput column. And because the time is inverted the sort ascended on time, and descended on Output.