Thoughts on how to approach a situation

Sooooo just imagine a client gives you a table structure they made, and they’re asking you to reformat their data so it connects and looks like this relationly… They don’t want a different structure/view because they find this view easiest to navigate and view everything at a glance…

what do you say?

I say


On a serious note, this can’t be what the client wants.

I would try to figure out what is it that they need to see “at a glance” there.

Comments and Expand hidden columns needed? No? — then redo the whole thing as a table with some visual nesting.

Comments needed? — Would use a hack to load them, and/or a button to expand the popup. Then persuade the client this is how they’d want it.

Want to only see one child at once? — Would implement some button-based UI.

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