Transpose table

A makeshift solution, but you can make a separate table that will look up data from your original table in a transposed way.

It will be read-only, and you’ll have to manually create row/column mappings.


What you need to do:

  1. In the original table, introduce a formula column that will List(…) all the columns you want to be readable from your transposed table.
  2. In the transposed table, make as many columns as there are rows in the original table, and to each of them assign a formula in the fashion:
    Source.[Row as list].Nth(X).Nth(thisRow.RowId())
    where X is the constant number of this column.

Note that using RowId() is fine unless you ever delete rows from your transposed table. If you delete rows you’ll lose continuity in row IDs and will need something else as an index (e.g., a column with explicitly set values, or a row index as implemented here).